About Me

Welcome to TechBytes, a platform where I share my passion for technology. I'm your host, Tony Collett, and I'm a software developer based in Adelaide, Australia.


I have been a passionate software developer for the past five years, and I'm thrilled to share my experiences through this blog. My journey into the tech world started at Flinders University, where I pursued my combined degree in Technology and Business.

After graduating, I embarked on my professional career as a software developer, immersing myself in various projects and industries. Working with diverse teams, I honed my coding skills, learned to collaborate effectively, and embraced the ever-evolving nature of technology. From developing user-friendly applications to implementing complex systems, I've had the opportunity to contribute to impactful projects that have pushed the boundaries of innovation.

That sounds like it was written by AI. Yeah, it was. I will use AI from time to time to improve the way I write my blogs, but mainly to clarify what I try to say, not to write entire articles for me. I'm not a great writer, so I want to make sure I strike a balance between good readable content and self-written articles


I started working in the IT industry as an ICT Assurance Analyst at TAFE SA (What is an ICT Assurance Analyst anyway... I just deployed applications while I was there), moved on to IT Support at Cireson where I developed my Software Engineer skills and eventually became an unofficial Developer and Senior IT Support (developed fixes for customers instead of passing them on to our other developers) and then moved on to Jaix Logistics, where I officially became a Mid-Level Software Developer, which is where I am now.